Hope for Adolescents out of school.
The adolescents and youths out of school have been targeted to build their skills to participate in prevention of violence against them and challenge their negative practices towards violence against children and adolescents. The youths out of school are among the victims and also among the perpetrators of different forms of violence against children both at home and in the community. They lure children in premarital sex and early marriages, bullying and teasing of children on their way to and or from school and also being exploited by the community members.
Thus, when God Hope Foundation for Rural Development with support from children’s rights and violence prevention fund (CRVPF) introduced the concept of engaging the youths out of school through the creation of safe spaces, many youths embraced it since they saw this as an opportunity to curb violence in their community and regain hope especially of the girl child. For example, a case for Mbambu Sylvia (23years) of Kayanzi landing site united youth, a single mother of 2 children said “I now have hope after learning a session about identifying my dream and work towards achieving them, I now have hope that am not a second hand person like people had labeled me. I know that the future is bright. I want to enroll for a skills course and disapprove those people that early motherhood does not guarantee failure and at the right time, I will get a good marriage and prove to my father that I am not useless”. Sylivia further was thankful to the Good Hope Foundation for Rural Development for mobilizing them through safe space where by they have been able to learn vocational skills like baking mandazi and chapati which they are using to generate income and they have come up with saving initiative and been able to save and borrow for their own development.
“I have been able to buy myself 2 goats since I joined and am able to do other petty businesses like selling fried G. nuts, and fried cassava. Thus, at the end of the day, I am able to save something and look after my two daughters. I will make sure that I protect my children and save them from what I have been going through through giving them an education. She said. This group has a total saving of 1,300,000ug shs and charge an interest of 3percent on every loan that is taken by a member.