Household Income and Livelihoods
While it has been noted that poverty has a direct link to social and health problems in the households and communities. Men have been taken as the bread winners in the most of the families and this has been brought about by the low participation of women in economic activities which in most cases has influenced their capacity to participate in addressing the social and health problem in their families and as well as influencing their independence. Poverty influences the family practices, behaviors and attitudes towards attaining quality lives. To enhance the quality of lives of the community members, Good Hope Foundation aims at boosting the household income levels through supporting initiatives aimed at reducing poverty levels in the households.
Strengthening the income of the households is a key factor in improving the quality of lives of the community members and to ensure this Good hope Foundation uses two approaches in addressing the poverty levels at household levels which include;
We do mobilize household members and form groups of parents specifically parents from the vulnerable households using the household vulnerability assessment tool developed by the ministry of gender and social development. We train the group members in village savings and lending association methodology using the village savings and lending association manual developed by children rights and violence prevention fund. The aim of the methodology is to promote the culture of savings among the community members and increase easy access to finances among the community to address household needs.
We do also provide hands on skill trainings to the organized groups to empower them with skills that facilitate participation in income generating activities in the community. We train vulnerable parents, adolescents and youths in handcraft skills such as shopping bag making, sanitary pads production, soap making, craft shoe making, baking and food production, hair dressing, carpentry and tailoring for purposes of enabling them to generate income that can facilitate improvement in household incomes, increase their savings capacities and boost their savings schemes geared towards reducing poverty levels at household levels and improving the quality of lives of the family members and the community at large.
In addition to poverty reduction initiatives, we do mobilize and support vulnerable households in livelihood improvement. We provide nutrition and agriculture advisory services to the vulnerable households and we do also support households with farm inputs.