Restoration of bamboo plants on river Nyamugasana and river Nyamwamba
Good Hope Foundation for Rural Development is implementing a project on the restoration of bamboo trees on River Nyamugasana and river Nyamwamba in Kasese district to address disaster management and protection of children. The project was developed as a result of the high cases of river flooding which was causing a lot of diver-stating effects ranging from the loss of lives especially children, loss of property, loss of food and cash crops. The constant over flooding of river Nyamwamba and river Nyamugasana are linked to the logging of bamboo plants by the community members for construction and commercial. Bamboo plants are very key in protecting water bodies from flooding.
Therefore, the organization is working with the communities neighboring the rivers in restoration of bamboo plants. We are working with schools in the restoration exercises and currently we have planted 10,000 bamboo trees on river Nyamugasana and river Nyamwamba respectively.