Sensitization meetings of key stakeholders on dangers of violence against children and adolescents
• The managment to come up with by-laws that hold parents responsible to attend the parents meetings.
• Local leaders together with the management to do massive mobilization in the community to build school ownership among the community members.
• The management and parents also to assist the teaching staff in tracking, reporting and following up cases of violence against children in schools and in the community.
• The management also suggested that the head teacher should always give a written report on the affairs of the children in school to the management and parents.
• PTA and SMC to ensure that guidelines on preventing VAC in the school are implemented by all stakeholders of the school.
• In the meeting, members pledged to do massive advocacy at school and community level on prevention of VAC while educating the community and the children on the importance of education and raising awareness on the roles and responsibilities of teachers, children and parents in ensuring that children in school are free from violence.
• The management and the teaching staff to ensure that children are tested for HIV/AIDS and pregnancies at least once a term.
• Members had to suggest that for any VAC related case within the school, they should be engaging non-governmental organizations to assist in following-up the cases as this will reduces the chances of cases being mishandled.
• The management appreciated the intervation in their schools and promised to the implementing organization that the school and the management will give them full support to ensure that the school is a safe environment for the children to grow and attain good education. Members committed themselves to own the project to ensure that their schools are free from VAC.