How violence against children can be prevented
Action plans and recommendations were developed by the members in order to prevent violence against children in the communities and below are the action points;
– Sensitizing community members on relevant laws and policies concerning, domestic violence, children and adolescents by the police, CDO and Good Hope Foundation.
– Sensitizing women on their family roles despite them engaging in various businesses by Good Hope Foundation, CDO, and group leaders.
– Engaging religious leaders in popularizing the district children ordinance and also giving them copies of ordinance by Good Hope Foundation and CDO.
– Mobilizing children and adolescents in the sub county and engaging them international child rights days by Good Hope Foundation and the sub county leadership.
– Local leaders and community members to take action on alcoholism and drug abuse
– The Sub county CFPU to strengthen community policing mainly sensitizing community members on the rights of children
– Community members to be monitors and they called upon parents and care givers to be role models to the children and this will be ensured by the NA leadership and the group members.
– Members also requested the community members to embrace the Embale ya nyabaghole and requested that it should be extended at village levels and be conducted quarterly
– Sensitizing children on their roles and responsibilities towards their parents/families and this will be done by Good Hope Foundation, religious leaders and the senior woman and man teachers.
– Members also suggested that parents should always have enough time to talk to their children for example as mentioned by the head teacher who was on the NA he said averagely parents in the sub county spent only 37 minutes in a day talking to their children and part of these minutes are as well used in abusing them which members said it is a worrying culture in the families.